If something is wrong – old

As a student it may be hard knowing who to contact or where to turn with various questions. Regardless of what you need help with you can always contact me – I am the student safety and welfare representative (SAMO) at the bachelor’s program in Biotechnology and Chemistry with physics, as well as the masters program in Innovative and sustainable chemical engineering and Biotechnology. That means I represent you as a student in questions regarding the configuration of courses and the psychosocial and physical learning environment, meaning I work towards making you as a student thrive and prosper here at Chalmers!

I am bound by professional secrecy meaning what you tell me in confidence I can’t disclose without your agreement. This means that you can contact me regardless of if it’s something in your learning environment you want to change, or if you feel harassed or discriminated.


Namn: Matilda Sjö


Telefon: 070 320 35 07

The student welfare network


Feelgood Gothenburg City is your student health centre. You can contact Feelgood if you experience problems with study-related illness. You are always offered an initial assessment visit where the staff can direct you to the right competence at Feelgood or at another healthcare provider outside the student health centre.

Phone: 010-810 81 92 

E-mail: student.goteborg@feelgood.se​

Address: Östra Hamngatan 26, 411 09 Göteborg​

Webpage: https://feelgood.se/

Student counsellor

If you are in need of student counseling or planning, information, help with sick leave or social support, you can contact your student counselor.

The student counselor for Biotechnology, Chemical Engineering with Physics as well as the master programs Biotechnology and Innovative and Sustainable Chemical Engineering is Emilia Rósza. For other Master programs, visit Studentportalen here


Namn: Pää Ylipää

Mail: paa.ylipaa@chalmers.se

Telefon: 031-772 10 86


Namn: Anna Wrede


Telefon: 031-772 18 41


Studerandeombud offer support and help to students who feel that they have been treated unjustly at Chalmers or are involved in cases at the disciplinary council.

E-mail: studerandeombud@chalmers.se

Name: Carl Johan Franzén

Phone: 031-772 38 08

Name: Mats Norell

Phone: 031-772 12 60

Student priest

If something unexpected happens in your life, or if you feel the need to process and discuss relationships, grief, life choices or issues regarding ethics and life opinions, you can contact the student priest. The priest has professional secrecy and you are welcome to contact the priest regardless of your own religion or life philosophy.

Name: Lars van der Heeg

Phone: 0730 30 07 49

Webpage: https://www.student.portal.chalmers.se/

Adress: Campus Johanneberg, Kårhuset, third floor

Visiting hours: Mondays & Thursdays 9am-3pm, Wednesdays 1pm-3pm

Student welfare officer

If you have questions about student welfare, study assistance, healthcare or insurance that I as a SAMO can’t answer you can contact the student welfare officer in the management team.

Name: Alva Limbäck

E-mail: so@chalmersstudentkar.se

Phone: 031-772 39 18

Coordinators for students with a disability

Do you need support with your studies? For instance if you have a disability, dyslexia our autisn diagnosis etc you can turn to FUNKA. In order to receive assistance you sign into NAIS with your Chalmers ID and follow the instructions. You will need a certificate that supports your disability in order to make your application for assistance.

If this seems difficult or you lack a certificate you can contact the FUNKA-coordinators at Chalmers to get help. All students at Chalmers should be able to write an exam!

To learn more visit studentportalen, here.

NAIS: https://www.nais.uhr.se/

E-mail: pedagogisktstod@chalmers.se

Work environment engineers

Chalmers has two work environment engineers who coordinate and work to improve the working enviroment at Chalmers.

E-mail: arbetsmiljo.stodet@chalmers.se

Name: Rickard Andersson

Phone: 031-772 67 65

Name: Samuel Fröjmark

Phone: 031-772 68 65

Youth clinic

If you are under the age of 25 and have questions on sex and relations or need someone to talk to, you can contact the youth clinics of Gothenburg. They offer midwifes, nurses, gynocologists, psychologists and general doctors.

Find the closest clinic here.

Error report

If you experience any errors in the Chalmers facilities, for instance if a lamp isn’t working or furniture is broken, you can report it by sending an email to 8800@chalmers.se or by calling 031-772 88 00. Specify what’s wrong as well as which house, floor and room number.